How to earn DOJO points! |
You can earn DOJO points for coming to class prepared with your materials, and for wearing your uniform properly. You can also earn points for staying on task, and participating in whole group, small group, and partner activities. Another way to earn points is by showing respect to others around you, and also respecting yourself.
On the other hand, you can also lose DOJO points if you come to class unprepared, are not wearing your uniform, or are not on task during class. You can also lose DOJO points for being disrespectful and for not participating. |
Spending your DOJO points! |
Each week, you and your classmates will have the opportunity to spend the points you have earned on prizes and coupons. Coupons include choosing a different place to sit in class, wearing a hat for the day, or even wearing jeans on Fridays.